Saturday, February 3, 2007
Lesson eleven: One thought for a mind
One thought for a mind
Here we go. Ya know the last two lessons we talked about the Witch’s tools? Well I gotta tell you something. Ya don’t need to have all of them to be a Witch. You don’t even need them to do any rituals. That’s right. You don’t need an Athame, a Staff, an Alter, or even a Pentagram. All those tools are really to get your mind, and body ready to do the work. They get you in the right mind set. One tool I forgot to mention is a ritual robe. That is used in rituals again to get your mind ready to perform the Magick. Yes, do get the tools. But remember, it is you that empowers them, they don’t empower you.
You see, as a Witch, you already have the power. And Athame does not have any power, except what you give it. The candle, has no power, unless you give it that power. Even symbols don’t carry there own power. You empower them. You must believe in the Magick for it to work. Magick can not work, if your mind does not believe it. Magick is not something floating around, it is in us. Magick is our gift from the Goddess, and the God. Magick is in our heart, and soul.
With Magick, we can do so much. We can heal with the slightest touch. We can discover the mystery of the universe. Magick is a wonderful gift. It is not a tool, it is not a thing, it is a gift from the Lady, and the Lord. And we should honor it, like we honor them. Blessed be, Elder RavenFire.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire
Lesson ten
Lesson Ten:
Ok, when I left you hanging by a thread in lesson nine, I mentioned Alters. Now the reason I did not mention these diminutive little things, in the last lesson is they are more then just a tool. It is a place where a lot of our actions take place. For the solitary Witch, their rituals can take place around the Alter. And for all us Witches, our daily devotions can take place around the Alter. Also the Alter is a place where our tools are put.
Now you heard me say that the other tools of our trade can be simple handmade items. Well the Alter is no different. This can be as simple as a card table made of tin, or a grand table made of oak, with a polish shin, and a gold trim. Sometimes the more simple the better. But it depends on your own taste.
Now your probably asking which tools goes on the Alter? Well, that depends on what Sabbat it is, or what your Alter is used for. Oh, yes the Alter is used for many things. I only used my Alter for small rituals, and candle Magick. And that’s the extent of my Alter. The tipical look of an Alter wood have on it, and Athame, and Chalice, maybe some salt, some herbs, a small cauldron. Some candles. That’s a simple Alter layout. Mine doesn’t even have that much on it!
Some people go all out, and have beautiful candles, and candleholders on it, and crystals, and gems, and all that. For Sabbats, it depends on the Sabbat. Each Sabbat has a different Alter layout. For the Spring, and Summer layouts, you would have things on it that has to do with that. For the four Fall, and Winter Sabbats you would have things out for that. We will get into that more when we talk about Sabbats. That will be in the next lesson, or the lesson after that. I haven’t decided on that yet. That is it for this lesson. I hope you understand the Alter more. Blessings, Elder RavenFire.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire
Friday, February 2, 2007
Lesson Nine: Magickal Lingo!
Magickal Lingo!
Alright, now we get to one of my favorite parts of being a Witch. All 5,000 or so terms! And I’m not kidding. When I think of all the terms we use, it blows my mind. In this lesson I will go over some of the ones that are the most used terms, and some of the least used terms. As you grow in the Craft you will learn a lot more, and even come up with some of your own.
One thing that is we Witches use is an Athame. This is used in many different ways. We use this to cut bread, or cakes used for rituals. Opening, and closeting Circles. (I’ll talk about Circles later.) We use them to make a Circle. An Athame can be as simple as a kitchen knife. Or it can be as outlandish as you want. For example, I have an Egyptian dagger, and an Athame. It as a little crystal on the handle, and hieroglyphics on the handle and the holder. And it only was about $20.00. And some can be in $100’s of dollars. You don’t need to spend a whole lot on a cash on an Athame, The Lord, and Lady don’t care if you use a simple butter knife or not. Use any knife you want. A pocket knife, or one hell of a knock out one.
And now let’s talk about one of our most used, and most understood symbols. The Pentagram, and Pentacle. These two symbols have been seen as satanic, and evil for hundreds of years. Ever since the Christians were on their crusades. They made a lot of Pagan symbols, and Gods, and Goddess evil. But the Pentagram, and Pentacle, were two that they really took to. These two symbols are the most power protection symbols against evil. Funny huh? A symbol stolen to be evil, the really protects against evil! The Pentacle is just slitly different then the Pentagram. The Pentacle is sometimes drawn without the circle around it, as the Pentagram, as the circle around it. These are two symbols that look like stars, with five points. Hence, called “Peant”agram, and “Pent”acle. The points stands for each element of Earth, plus Spirit. The Elements are: Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water.
And now we talk about the broom. The way we get around! No. This is a tool that Witches really do use. We don’t fly on them though, I was sad when I was told that. I’m still sad. Now this has many uses. Because this is not just a tool for the female Witches. (We males have a Staff.) But the Broom can be used to get ride of unwanted house guests, no you can’t beat them! You take the broom, turn it upside-down, that is, with the bristles pointing up. In a corner, and that guest will leave shortly. Pretty cool huh? Now for other uses, the Females use the broom to sweep away the negative energy. Be it, around the Circle, in a home, or what have you. And I’m still trying to figure out how to fly on one! LOL! Now don’t tell me, that it wouldn’t be cool to fly on a broom? Or mop? Or vacuum? Now the broom can be homemade using a tree branch, and some straw. (Which would be better.) Or you can buy one. I would really make one. So it is really yours. And something like this, should be from nature. Just like when the male Witches pick their Staff, we get them from Nature.
Now since we talked about the broom, let’s talk about the Staff! I love this one. My first Staff was just a good size walking stick. Nothing fancy, just one that I liked. Now the Staff is used a lot like the Broom is. We can use the Staff to banish negative energy from places. And it is cool to walk with one! Ok, It is cool to be a Witch. To where the robes, and do the things. I love it. You have to love your religion. And I do. I love it. I get into it all. Again it is better to find your staff in the woods, in the park, just make sure it is right for you.
And now I will direct your attention to our next little item. And that would the Chalice. Or, as we none fancy people call it, a cup! This little tool is used to drink ritual wine,(Juice) for those who don’t drink, or are to young. Now these can be a fancy $200.00 glass made of gold, and silver, or an old beat up coffee cup, you’ve had for a million years, and is cracked, just like you are! Or me.
And now we have another fancy word, Censer. Yes, we have to Censer this fancy word! No, the next tool is really called a Censer! It’s really another name for a incense burner used in a ritual. Really, just take a bowl, fill it with sand, or nice loose dirt, and use that for one, and your good to go. You don’t have to have fancy shemacy things to be a Witch! And really, making it your self, is better anyway!
Now the next tool! And this is the Bolline. This just another fancy name for a small curved knife used for cutting herbs, and for curving things. Cool huh? Ok, I’m sitting here at my computer, at 10:30, and I’m tired. And a little loopy.
Ok, now the next diminutive tool, is the Cauldron. This is used to boil noodles so we don’t get hungry on those long nights! I wish! It is mainly used to blend herbs, and it can maintain small fires, and wash clothes! Humor, it may be dry, but I have it! It also is used to mix healing mixers, and that sort.
And our next fresh, and petite entry is the Bell. It used to banish evil from the household. (Wonder if it can get rid of my mother in law?) Anyway. The Bell, also ward off evil spells, and brings, in good energy.
In addition to all these tools, we have one more. It is called, our Book of Shadows! Yes! In this handy dandy little book, we record our Magickal life. What we learn, and what we experience. Even spells, and rituals, and all that. Now a Book of Shadows, (BOS) can be any sort of book. A simple notebook, to a grand book made of gold. But a simple notebook will do.
These are some of the tools we have. As you grow in the Craft you will learn more, and I will bring more up, as we go along. Oh, and one that I left out on this list is an Alter, and I left it out for a reason. Lesson ten, will be all about our Alters. So, I hope to see you then. Blessings, Elder RavenFire.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Lesson Eight
Ok, now we’re getting into the deep stuff. You want to learn about the world of Witchcraft? IT is a place filled with mystery. The Gods, and Goddesses are all around us, and we are all connected. In this lesson, I will talk about how we are all connected to the world around us.
The world, our planet we live on. We walk on it, and drive on it. And for the most part, and for some people don’t give a second thought about how their actions affect others. Do you know that what you do effects me? And millions of others across the world? How can this be? And what does this have to do with Magick, and Witchcraft? Everything! To understand the Craft, we must understand the laws of nature. And since we Witches honor nature, we should know her laws!!
Ok, now when the Goddess gave birth to the universe everything became connected thru her. She gave birth to the God, and they connected everything to everything. Still with me? Good. I know I was lost when I was first told this. This means that the Lord, and Lady, are connected to each other. And in return, when they made Earth, they connected everything together. Each tree is connected to each tree, each animal, to each animal. And even better then that, each and every living creator to one another! Me, and you are connected to every living creator on this planet! The birds, and lions, the trees. Amazing, isn’t it!
Now, does this mean we are connected to the Lord, and Lady? HA! HA! Yes! Yes we are! And you know what? This is even better. Since we are all connected, that means we are all one with one another. Even with the Lord, and Lady! Now how about that!? We are all one. We are one with not only each other, but our Deities as well.
Now the next thing I wish to talk about is our relationship to the world around us. This does relate to the whole connection topic as well. If we treat the world we live in like crap, we won’t have much of a home to live in, now will we? Think of the Earth as your house. You wouldn’t want people dumping toxic waste in the middle of your floor, would you? I think not! I wouldn’t. So you see, when we look after our home, (The Earth) it will get dirty, we will dirty up the air, lakes, you get my point, right? Ok.
Now on the Magick side of things. Don’t you ever use Magick to do wrong! Ever! Magick is here to aid, and protect people. You will get a big slap, if you use Magick to do harm. Using Magick to send out negative energy, can sap the life right out of you, and those around you. So do not use Magick to harm people, or the Earth. This is a Magickal No-no. There are other Magickal no-no’s but I will cover that is my next lesson. I think you get the point that everything is connected. So I will start on the next lesson. Blessed be, Elder RavenFire.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire
Lesson Seven: Ethics
Ok, in this lesson I want to go into more detail about the ethics of Witchcraft. I did cover this a little bit in other lessons, but this is a topic I want to make sure you understand that being a Witch is more then just a title, and doing Magick, or wearing neat robes during a Sabbat, or ritual. Ethics play a huge role in how Witches are perceived. For years we have been seen as baby killing. Satan worshiping evil beings. And we all know that is not true. Now I already gave you the Witches Creed, the Wiccan Reed, and all that, so I won’t put all that in this lesson.
Now one thing that I want to make sure to talk about is the Harm None rule. If it harms none, do what ye will. Now people get this confused. Some think that this means we don’t harm anybody no matter what. Wrong. This applies when we do Magick, and live our lives. We don’t go out and hurt people just for kicks. And we have the right to defend ourselves. You just got to have common sense. You wouldn’t let someone beat on you, or your loved ones would you? Of course not. We won’t harm people, but we will defend ourselves, and our loved ones.
Now the thirteen principles of beliefs are a very good way to explain to people what I Witch is. They break down how we believe, and what we don’t believe. Even though it was from the Witches council here in America, it still is a way to explain what I Witch is, and is not. A lot of people don’t conceder the 13 principles a part of Witch ethics. Some think the Witches council was really made up of Wiccans. Myself, I don’t get into titles, and words. I know that they are good principles to live by, and they make it easier to tell people what a Witch is.
Now we look at charging money for what we do. And that includes teaching the Craft, Tarot readings, healing, ETC. Is it ethical to charge money? Well, I can only answer from my personal ethical point of view. I don’t think teaching should be charged for. There is a Law of power.
The Law of Power
1. The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or to control others. But if the need arises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others.
2. The Power is used only as need dictates.
3. The Power can be used for your own gain; as long as by doing so you harm none.
4. It is unwise to accept money for the use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions.
5. Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and Magick.
6. Ever remember that the Power is a sacred gift of the Goddess and the God, and should never be misused or abused.
7. And this is the Law of the Power. - George Knowles
This is the link I got this from.
So you look at the law of power, and you can judge for yourself. And by all means, what I’m teaching is not set in stone as law. It is just from my family Trad, and what we believe.
Now the next thing I wish to chat about is the Three fold Law. Now this is also called the Seven fold, and also Ten fold law. The most common is Three fold Law. This is means that what ever you do, comes back to you times three. And by that I mean whatever energy you send out, you get back, times three. If you send out good energy, you will receive it back later times three. That includes when you do Magick, and mundane, (non-Magick) Things as well. If you spread hate, and Lies, you will get that back to you. If you do good things, you get that back.
So, we have talked about ethics. I hope you got a lot out of this lesson. We are moving up in the lessons, and lesson eight will go more into the Craft. And not be as basic as the first seven. Blessed be, Elder RavenFire
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire
Monday, January 29, 2007
Lesson six. The roles of the God, and Goddess
Merry meet. In this lesson we will cover the roles, of the Lord, and Lady, or the God, and Goddess. Now Let’s start with the Goddess. Her role is not just to look pretty. She has the mothering role, as well as a role as huntress, and protector, and guider. Let’s take a look at her from her roles.
The Mother Goddess: This is her as she gives birth to the earth every spring. And how she also gives birth to the God every spring. And so also is a mother to her Witches. She does not call us followers, but her children. And many of her duties as a Goddess is to watch over children, and babies, and families.
The Huntress role: Now this is her role when her children need food, and need luck for a big hunt. Many times during the olden days they would pray to Diana, or Artimis to guide them in a hunt.
The guider role: This could be tide in with the mother role as well. She is a listener, and can be called upon to aid you for any reason. Problems with school, work, relationships. She will guide you thru many life struggles.
The protector role: Oh, when she has this role, she is one to have on your side. As an angry mother, she will protect her children will great might. She will be with you in your darkest times, and in times of loneness. She will never leave your side. She is someone who will be with you when no one can be.
What the Goddess is, is more then roles. She does more then these roles here. She is a friend, and therapist, someone to yell at when you can’t scream to anyone else. She bares it all. But these roles are what most people appeal to the most. And now let’s appeal, to the God’s role.
The God has pretty much the same roles, but they don’t differ a little. He has the father role, the guider role, and protector role, and hunter role.
The father role: He is the father some people never had. He can be the one that you can have the “guy” talks with. Ok, that’s sound stupid, but true. He is the caring, and loving father type. He also sees us as his children, and not followers. And this is why we honor them, and not worship them.
Guider role: He watches us, and he can help us if we ask him to. He will be there in the shadows to help us when we fall.
Protector: He protects us like a father protects us a goof father would. Like the Goddess, he will not turn away from us in our time of need. All we have to do is ask.
Hunter role: He is the Lord of the Hunt, and of the animal kingdom. He knows the animals, and how they speak. He will guide you on your hunts.(If your hunting for food, and not for fun, or sport.) He protects is kingdom too.
Ok, we now have a good idea of the roles of the Lord, and Lady, and what they do. Now let’s look at their aspects, and how they age thru the year. Oh yes, they age as the year turns. The Goddess goes thru her aspects. Mother, Maiden , and Crone. And the God, has his. Son, Father, and Sage. Now let’s look at the Goddess first.
Mother: This would be when she gives birth to the God, and also gives birth to the earth. It is early spring, and life begins again for all of earth.
Maiden: This is when the Goddess is young, and frisky. Full of life, and sexy. She’s like a young 20 something living life to the fullest. She, and the earth are thriving. It would be summer right now.
Crone: This is the older, and wiser Goddess. She has aged, and is preparing for the death of the God, and for the earth to go into it’s winter sleep. She has gained all the knowledge, and is ready for the upcoming winter, and spring.
With the Goddess, here is one thing to remember. She is what you want her to be. It’s hard for me to tell you what she is, because you will have something different. Yeah she’s all that I listed. But when you get to know here, she’s so much more. She’s a shit! If you mess around with her, be funny, crack jokes. You’ll find that she will be that way with you too. One time, I was messing around. I said, I just want money. The next day, I find a penny. A penny! The Goddess is what you want her to be. You can have a very serious relationship with her, or treat her like a buddy, or both. And with the God, it is the same thing. So here is his aspects:
Son: He is young, and frisky. He is in state of freedom. He knows no bounds. He is in is teens if you will call it that. He opens life up to the world.
Father: He is older, and more wiser. He takes life more serious. He has a wait and approach to things.
The Sage: The God is old, and is preparing to die, and to be reborn in the spring. At this time he as aged to look like an old man. Grey beard, and gray hair. His horns, still shine.
The God is what you make him. And What I said about him is incomplete. There is more. For more on him you will have to search farther then just me. I don’t have my ideals set on the God just yet. It was hard for me to get this lesson done because I follow the Goddess more. By all means I am not the expert on Witchcraft, and please don’t just stop here. Research other places as well. This is it for lesson six. Lesson seven will deal with Laws, and Ethics
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Lesson Five: More beliefs: The God
Ok, now we turn our attention to the God. Now his role in the Craft should be as equal as the Goddess. And if we practice the Craft like it is supposed to be practiced, he would be. Be, many of us don't. I myself do this at times. We neglect the God in a lot of ways. Sometimes forgetting he's even there. I have, so don't worry if you do this from time to time.
The God has his role right by the Goddesses side. She has her Duties, and he has his. I'll get to those in a later chapter. Right now I would like to show you more of what the God is called, and some of the works that has been done about him. Now there is not as much done on the God, as there is on the Goddess. This is due to the Craft being more feminists then anything else. But the works that I have found I would like to share with you now.
NOTE: This list is not all inclusive. I have listed gods from the main pantheons.
Afterlife: Chung K"uei (Chinese)
Agriculture: Amaethon (Celtic), Occator (Roman), Shen Nung (Chinese)
Animals: Cernunnos (Celtic)
Air, Sky & Wind: Aeolos (Greek), Boreas (Greek), Feng Po (Chinese), Horus (Egyptian), Njord (Norse), Tiwaz (Germanic)
Arts: Govannon (Celtic), Lug (Celtic), Ptah (Egyption)
Brewing: Gobniu (Celtic)
Chaos: Chaos (Greek), Seth (Egyptian)
Creator: Brahma (Hindu), Lodur (Germanic), Netefertum (Egyptian), Yng (Norse)
Day: Dagr (Norse)
Dead & Underworld: Anubus (Egyptian), Donn (Celtic), Hades (Greek), Mors (Roman), Osiris (Egyptian), Othin (Germanic), Thanatos (Greek), Ull (Norse)
Desire: Himerus (Greek)
Fate: Say (Egyptian),
Fatherhood: Odhinn (Norse), Zeus (Greek)
Fertility: Cernunnos (Celtic), Kronos (Greek)
Fire: Agni (Hindu), Chu Jung (Chinese), Gerra (Mesopotamian), Hephaistos (Greek), Vulcanus (Roman)
Guardian & Protection: Anti (Egyptian), Dagda (Celtic), Ha (Egyptian), Nahi (Arabian)
Guardians of Children: Chang Hs'ien (Chinese), Pilumnus (Roman)
Guardians of Doorways: Aker (Egyptian), Hulda (Norse), Men Shen (Chinese), Portunus (Roman)
Harvest: Kondos (Finnish), Neper (Egyptian), Occator (Roman)
Healing & Medicine: Aesculapius (Greek), Asklepios (Greek), The Asvins (Hindu), Basamum (Arabian), Diancecht (Celtic)
Horse: Hayasya (Hindu), Pollux (Roman), Polydeukes (Greek)
Hunting: Herne (Celtic), Hittavainen (Finnish)
Justice & Law: Thor (Norse), Tyr (Norse)
Knowledge & Wisdom: Ganesa (Hindu), Logos (Greek), Mimir (Norse), Thoth (Egyptian)
Lightning, Storms & Thunder: Aelos (Greek), Donar (Germanic), Thor (Norse)
Love: Amor (Roman), Cupid (Roman)
Luck & Fortune: Fu Shen (Chinese), Hotei (Shinto), Sors (Roman)
Magick: Ningirama (Mesopotamian)
Marriage: Hymenaios (Greek)
Messenger: Hermes (Greek), Hermod (Norse), Mercurius (Roman)
Money & Wealth: Kubera (Hindu), Plutos (Greek), Tsai Shen (Chinese)
Moon: Aglibol (Arabian), Khonsu (Egyptian), Mani (Norse), Thoth (Egyptian)
Music: Ihy (Egytian), Narada (Hindu)
Poetry, Speech & Writing: Bragi (Norse), Kuei Shing (Chinese), Ogmius (Celtic), Vagisvara (Buddhist)
Reincarnation: Balder (Norse)
River: Akelos (Greek), Condatis (Celtic), Hermus (Roman)
Seas & Oceans: Aegir (Norse), Glaukos (Greek), Manannan (Celtic), Okeanos (Greek), Poseidon (Greek), Tritons (Roman)
Sleep: Hypnos (Greek), Morpheus (Greek), Somnus (Roman)
Sun: Belenus (Celtic), Helios (Greek), Re (Egyptian), Sol (Roman)
Travel & Passage: Ilmarinen (Finnish), Janus (Roman), Terminus (Roman), Wepwawet (Egyptian)
Trees: Silvanus (Roman)
War: Ares (Greek), Chang Fei (Chinese), Mars (Roman), Montu (Egyptian), Neit (Celtic), Thor (Norse), Wodan (Germanic)
Water: Annar (Norse), Apsu (Mesopotamian)
Winter: Hodur (Norse)
Wolves: Lupercus (Roman)
Youth: Mabon (Celtic)
Cernunnos: Also consart of Aradia.
Now that we have some what of an idea of how many names there are for the God, let's look at yet another asspect of him, by a really good author.
The Horned God and the Green Man by Lady Cumina
He is known by many names: the Horned God, the Green Man (Celtic), the Stag Lord, Herne the Hunter, Cernunnos (Romano Celtic), Dagda (Celtic), Cerne (Celtic), Atho (Welsh), Pan (Greek) and Arddhu (Welsh).
He is the Lord of the wild hunt and of the forest, and of fertility. He is the embodiment of wild nature and the male principle. Horns are a symbol of strength and virility, and also a source of protection. He rules the masculine side of nature. He is the Father of wild animals and forests, physical passion, fertility, desire, traveling, crossroads, and warriors. His spirit is in the trees, plants, stones, mountains, and sun. He is the Goddess's Consort, as well as her son.
In the Summerland, he is King. He accompanies the souls of the dead on their journey to the Summerland, and stays with them from Samhain to Yule.
The Sabbats are his dance of life and death. He is born on Midwinter night (Yule), and grows strong and fast. On Imbolc, he is still suckling at the breast of his Mother. By Spring, he has grown into a young man and begins to court his consort. On Beltane, he weds the Goddess and plants his seed within her to ensure his rebirth. He is at his peak on Midsummer, a powerful man in his prime--the Hunter and the Green Man. By Lammas, he is waning, becoming the wise Father and Leader. Mabon sees his death, as he takes part in the cycle of life. On Samhain, he leads the souls of the departed to the Summerland as they await rebirth. On Midwinter, he comes to life once more.
I think she explians it really well. That's why I used her work. And giver her credit for her work. Now the next work I'm gonna share with you is The Charge of the God.
Listen to the words of the Great Father, He who of old was also called among men Apollo, Baal, Samin, Ares, Osiris, Adonis, Zeus, Thor, Jupiter, Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Lugh and by many other names:
Eight times during the Wheel of the year, the four days that quarter the Wheel and the four days that fall between, celebrate My gifts to you, for it is I who turns the Wheel of Life and the Wheel of the Year. Without Me, there would be no death and only because of Me can there be rebirth.
My Law is Harmony with all things. Mine is the secret that opens the gates of life and Mine is the dish of salt of the earth that is the body of Cernunnos that is the eternal circle of rebirth.
I give the knowledge of life everlasting, and beyond death I give the promise of regeneration and renewal. I am the sacrifice, the Father of all things, and My protection blankets the earth.
I who am the Lord of the Hunt and the Power of the Light, sun among the clouds and the secret of the flame, I call upon your bodies to arise and come unto Me. For I am the flesh of the earth and all its beings. Thru Me all things must die and with Me are reborn.
Let My worship be in the body that sings, for behold all acts of willing sacrifice are My rituals. Let there be desire and fear, anger and weakness, joy and peace, awe and longing within you. For these too are part of the mysteries found within yourself, within Me, all beginnings have endings, and all endings have beginnings.
So let's look at another work. This one is The Charge of the Dark God.
Listen to the words of the Dark God, who was of old called Lakchos, Donn, Anubis, Hades, Setesh, Hoder, and by many other names:
Heed My call, beloved ones, come unto Me and learn the secrets of death and peace. I am the corn at harvest and the fruit on the trees. I am the consort and mate of She whom we adore, call forth to thee.
I am the shadow in the bright day; I am the reminder of mortality at the height of living. I am Death so that Life may continue. For behold, Life is immortal because the living must die. On swift night wings, I lay you at the Mother's feet to be reborn and to return again. I am He who leads you home.
Scourge and flame, blade and blood--these are Mine gifts to thee. Call unto Me in the forest wild and on hilltop bare and seek Me in the Darkness Bright.
I am the strength that protects, that limits; I am the power that says No, and No further. I am the things that cannot be spoken of, and I am the laughter at the edge of Death. Come with Me into the warm enfolding dark; feel My caresses in the hands, in the mouth, in the body of the one you love, and be transformed.
Thou who thinks to know Me, know that I am the untamed wind, the fury of the storm and passion in your soul. Seek Me with courage, lest you be swept away in the seeking. Seek with pride and humility, but see Me best with love and strength, for this is My path, and I love not the weak and fearful. Come unto Me and learn the secrets of death and peace.
Hear My call on long winter nights, and we shall stand together guarding Her Earth as She sleeps. Gather in the moonless night and speak in unknown tongues; the Dark Mother and I will listen. Sing to Us and cry out, and the Power will be yours to wield. Come dance; come love and smile, for behold: This is My worship. You are My children and I am thy Father.
Blow Me a kiss when the sky is dark, and I will smile, but no kiss return, for My kiss is the final one for all mortal flesh.
II do not know who wrote these to works. I got them from a friend of mine. And they never said where they came from. So I can't give credit to the authors. I gonna make this a short lesson, and stop here. The nexted lesson will be about the roles of the Lord, and Lady.
Blessed Be, Elder RavenFire
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Lesson Four: More Witchcraft Beliefs
Lesson four: More Beliefs
Merry Meet. In this Lesson we will talk more about the basic of Witchcraft beliefs. One basic belief is the 13 goals of a Witch. Now I understand some Witches don’t follow this, but for new Witches, it can be a good tool to use to guide yourself thru your path.
Thirteen Goals of a Witch
I Know yourself
II Know your craft
III Learn
IV Apply knowledge with wisdom
V Achieve balance
VI Keep you words in order
VII Keep your thoughts in order
VIII Celebrate life
IX Attune with the cycles of the Earth
X Breath and eat correctly
XI Exercise the body
XII Meditate
XIII Honor Goddess and God
Now some of these, like I said don’t apply to some Witches. For example, the Witches who just practice the Craft for Magick, and not religion, they would not set a goal to honor the God, and Goddess. XI Exercise the body, now some Witches, have disabilities, and can’t do some exercise, so for some, they have to watch this one. X Breath and eat correctly. Different Witches will act differently for this one. I love food!! It’s all the same to me. If it tastes good, it’s good for me! See what I mean!! And also some people have breathing problems, so we have to be careful about that one. I have Asthma, and wow! But the others are good for all Witches.
Ok, now we move onto our relationship with the Lord, and Lady. The first thing I want to do is tell you that we do not worship the Lord, and Lady. We do not bow down to them, and beg for there forgiveness because we are sick, and unholy. They are loving, and kind, and want our love, and company, as much as we want theirs. What we Witches do, is honor them. We show respect for them. As they in return show respect for us. And us, they honor us in return too. We don’t have to see them as these big giant beings that watch us from the skies.
Are more then just the two? Well yes, and no. They are known by many names. Many, many names. The concept, of they are all one, but different, applies here. Each name is different. A different role of the Goddesses, and God, but yet they are all one. I will cover this in lesson five, when I talk about the God.
Let’s go over some names of the Goddess. We will cover the God, in the next lesson. The reason for this there are many works on both of them that I wish to talk about.
One Goddess I want to bring special attention to is Aradia. She is a Goddess known the Queen of the Witches. She is the daughter of Diana, and Lucifer. (Not the christian’s Lucifer, but the real one.) She was born of the Mother of the Witches. (Diana.) She was taut Witchcraft, and sent down to earth, to teach it to the poor, and slaves, and etc. I will now give you a list of the most popular Goddesses
Agriculture: Gefion (Norse), Pamona (Roman)
Air, Sky & Wind: Aurora & Eos (Greek)
Arts: Arachne (Roman), Gratiae (Roman)
Birth: Anukis (Egyptian), Bes (Egyptian), Carmentes (Roman), Deverra
(Roman), Eileithyia (Greek), Lucina (Roman), Taweret (Egyptian)
Creator: Iusaas (Egyptian), Nu Kua (Chinese), Nut (Egyptian)
Dead & Underworld: Ammut (Egyptian), Arianrhod (Celtic), Hel (Norse), Morta (Roman), Styx (Greek)
Earth: Iord (Norse), Maia (Greek)
Fate: Ananke (Greek), The Fates-Atropos, Lachesis & Klotho (Greek), The Norns (Norse), Parcae (Greek)
Fertility: Abundantia (Roman), Amaunet (Egyptian), Demeter (Greek), Divona (Celtic), Egeria (Roman), Freyja (Norse), Ma (Cappadocian), Macha (Celtic), Rhiannon (Celtic)
FIRE: Brigid (Celtic), Vesta (Romon)
Guardian & Protection: Clementia (Roman), The Disir (Norse), Securita (Roman), Wosret (Egyptian)
Guardians of Children: Cunina (Roman), Edusa (Roman), Volumna (Roman)
Hag or Crone: Cerridwen (Celtic), Hulda (Norse)
Harvest: Kore (Greek), Ops (Greek), Sif (Norse)
Healing & Medicine: Meditrina (Roman)
Hearth & Home: Hestia (Greek), Lares (Roman), Vesta (Roman)
Horse: Epona (Celtic), Rhiannon (Celtic)
Hunting: Artemis (Greek), Diana (Roman)
Immortality: Idhunn (Norse)
Justice & Law: Dike (Greek), Nekmet Awai (Egyptian), Nemesis (Greek), Themis (Greek)
Knowledge & Wisdom: Athena (Greek), Cerridwen (Celtic), Metis (Greek)
Lightning & Thunder: Tien Mu (Chinese)
Love: Aphrodite (Greek), Hathor (Egyptian), Siofna (Norse), Venus (Roman)
Luck & Fortune: Ekajata (Buddhist), Fortuna (Roman), Magha (Hindu), Tyche (Greek)
Magick: Gullveig (Norse), The Pancaraksa (Buddhist)
Maidens: Artemis (Greek), Gefion (Norse), Persephone (Greek), Pudicita (Roman)
Marriage: Hera (Greek), Juno (Roman)
Messenger: Iris (Greek/Roman)
Moon: Anna (Norse), Caelestis (Carthaginian), Diana (Roman), Hekate (Greek), Luna (Roman), Mani (Norse), Selene (Greek)
Mothers & Motherhood: Ceres (Roman), Dictynna (Cretan), Don (Celtic), Frigga (Norse), Gaia (Greek), Isis (Egypt), Leto (Greek), Maeve (Celtic), Meter (Greek), Semele (Greek)
Night: Nott (Norse), Nyx (Greek)
Order: Eunomia (Greek), Maat (Egyptian)
Poetry, Speech & Writing: Brigid (Celtic), Cunda (Buddhist), Sesat (Egyptian)
Reincarnation: Cerridwen (Celtic)
River: Boann (Celtic)
Seas & Oceans: Amphitrite (Greek), Doris (Greek), Leukothea (Greek), Ma-zu (Chinese, Nereides (Greek)
Spring: Ostara (Germanic)
Storms: Ran (Norse)
Sun: Mor (Celtic), Ostara (Germanic), Sol (Norse)
Travel of Children: Abeona (Roman), Alemona (Roman)
Vengence: Bastet (Egyptian), The Erinys (Greek), Nemesis (Greek)
Victory: Nike (Greek), Victoria (Roman)
War: Alaisiagae (Norse), Athena (Greek), Discordia (Roman), Minerva (Roman), Morrigan (Celtic), Sakhmet (Egyptian), Valkyries (Norse)
Water: Naiades (Greek), Tegid Voel (Celtic)
Winter: Cailleach Bheur (Celtic)
Youth: Hebe (Greek), Juventas (Roman)
Buy all means this is not all of the names of all the Goddesses. Oh no! LOL! No one has that list. And if you find someone who does, don’t believe them! They are pulling more then just your leg!! LOL! I say this because there are so many names, that it is impossible to have them all. Not to mention, it would take years, and years, and one would have to travel everywhere to find them. It’d be nice to have a complete list though. I had a friend who had a book with about 5,000 pages, nothing but Goddesses, and Gods, still not all of them, just to give you some idea of how many names there are.
Now we move onto some of the works on the Goddess. The Goddess has moved many people to write some really beautiful things. One of my favorite works is the Charge of the Goddess. Now there are many, many rewrites of the Charge. This is due to the many different paths of Witchcraft. But I will put the original here.
Charge of the Goddess by Doreen Valiente
Listen to the words of the Great Mother, who was of old also called Artemis; Astarte; Dione; Melusine; Aphrodite; Cerridwen; Dana; Arianrhod; Bride; and by many other names.
Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month, and better it be when the Moon be full, then ye shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of me, who am Queen of all witcheries.
There ye shall assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets; to these will I teach things that are yet unknown.
And ye shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that ye are really free ye shall be naked in your rites; and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise.
For mine is ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy on earth; for my Law is Love unto all Beings.
Keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever toward it, let naught stop you or turn you aside.
For mine is the secret door which opens upon the Land of Youth, and mine is the Cup of the Wine of Life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of Immortality.
I am the Gracious Goddess who gives the gift of joy unto the heart. Upon earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal; and beyond death, I give peace and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. Nor do I demand sacrifice, for behold I am the Mother of All Living, and my love is poured out upon the earth.
Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess, she in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven; whose body encircleth the Universe; I who am the beauty of the green earth, and the white Moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the heart's desire, call unto thy soul. Arise and come unto me.
For I am that Soul of Nature who giveth life to the universe; from me all things proceed, and unto me must all things return; and before my face, beloved of gods and mortals, thine inmost divine self shall be enfolded in the rapture of infinite joy.
Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence, within you.
And thou who thinkest to seek for me, know that thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou know this mystery, that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee. For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.
I love the Charge of the Goddess. It brings me such peace when I read it. The Goddess to me is much more then a Goddess. She is our giver of life. Amazing isn’t it? What a person can do when they get inspired! There are other versions, and I want you to seek them out. All the others I have read are just as good. The same meaning is behind it. I think each path as their own Charge. Heck, I think each author as their own version!!
This next work, is also The Charge of the Goddess. But, it is The charge of the Dark Goddess. Now, Dark is a metaphor, type word here. Dark as in, Goddess of the night, not as in evil. I love this Charge. It gives the warrior side of the Goddess. I don’t know where I found this at, so I can’t give credit to the author. I was just looking for different versions of the Charge, and came across it.
Hear now the words of the Dark Goddess who stands within the crossroads, whose torch illuminates the Underworld, who is known to us as Kali, Hecate, Cerridwen, Lilith, Persephone, Fata, Morigan, Ereshkigal, Arianrhod, Durga, Inanna, Tiamat, and by a million other names:
Hear me, child, and know Me for who I am. I have been with you since you were born, and I will stay with you until you return to meet the final dusk.
I am the Queen of Magick and the Dark of the Moon, hidden in the deepest night. I am the mystery of the Otherworld and the fear that coils about your heart during your darkest hour. I am the Sorceress who will not be ruled, the Weaver of Time and the Teacher of Mysteries.
I snip the threads that bring My children home to Me. And I slit the throats of the cruel and drink the blood of the heartless. Swallow your fear and come to Me, and you will discover true beauty, true strength, and true courage.
I am the glowing forge that transforms your inner demons into tools of power. Open yourself to My embrace. I am the chrysalis in which you will face that which terrifies you and from which you will blossum forth, vibrant and renewed. Seek Me at the crossroads and be transformed, for once you look upon My face, there is no return. For I am the fire that kisses the shackles away.
I am the Healer of all wounds, the Warrior who rights all wrongs in their Time. I make the weak strong. I make the arrogant humble. I raise up the oppressed and empower the disenfranchised. I am Justice tempered with Mercy.
Most ancient among Gods and mortals, let My worship be within the heart that has truly tasted life, for behold all acts of magick and art are My pleasure and My greatest ritual is love itself. Therefore, let there be beauty in your strength, compassion in your wrath, power in your humility, and discipline balanced through mirth and reverence.
Most importantly, child, I am you. I am part of you, and I am within you. You may seek to remove My veil and behold My true face, but know that all your questing and efforts are for nothing. For unless you know My mystery, look wherever you will, it will elude you, for it is within you and nowhere else. Seek Me within and without, and you will be strong. Know Me. Venture into the Dark so that you may awaken to Balance, Illumination, and Wholeness.
For behold, I have been with you from the very beginning, the comforting hand that nurtured you in the dawn of life. I am the loving embrace that awaits you at death. I am that which is attained at the end of the dance, and I am the womb of new beginnings, as yet unimagined and unknown. I am the One who calls to you at the end of your journey. After the day is done, My children find their blessed rest in my embrace. Take My Love with you everywhere and find My Power within.
Well, I’m ready to rumble!! No, this is more up, and fiery , and mysterious. It gives the Goddess a more aggressive, and fiery attitude. It gets my blood pumping every time. It is indeed a great work. Another good work, is Moon Goddess, by Lady Cumina.
Moon Goddess by Lady Cumina
When the cycle of the moon is divided, it is divided into four phases: the new moon (when no moon is showing in the night sky), the waxing moon (when the new moon turns into a crescent and grows larger each night), the full moon (the three days the moon is round and full), and the waning moon (the moon that diminishes night by night after the full moon). Each of these phases of the moon represents a different phase of the Moon Goddess. Some traditions combine the phases of the Crone and the Dark Goddess, making the Triple Goddess only Maiden, Mother and Crone. Others say the Triple Goddess is Maiden, Mother and Crone, and the Dark Goddess is hidden.
Maiden Goddess of the Moon
She is the new moon in the sky. She is the virgin, the beginning, youth, adventure, creativity, curiousity, inspiration, and the powerful huntress with the crescent moon shaped like her bow. She rules Spring in her White robe of innocence. She is Diana, Artemis, Blodeuwedd, Brigid the Maiden, Branwen, Eriu, Kore and Epona. She rules the Magick that increases and grows.
Mother Goddess of the Moon
She is the full moon. She is the nurturer, motherhood, emotion, psychic powers, love, life, and creation. She rules Summer in her red robes of life's blood. She is Luna, Selune, Demeter, Lucina, Arianrhod, Danu, Mene, Gaia, Aphrodite, and Isis. She rules the Magick of creation, nurturing, and healing.
Crone Goddess of the Moon
She is the crescent moon which diminishes each night. She is the old wise woman, spirituality, knowledge, and shrewdness. She rules Autumn in her robes of brown. She is Brigid the Crone, Hulda, Levanah, and The Cailleach. She rules the Magick of banishing and reversing.
Dark Goddess of the Moon
When She is here, the sky is empty. She is the one who brings us to the Summerland after death. She is transformation, renewal, the underworld, and death. She rules Winter in her black robes of mystery. She is Hecate, Morrigan, Cerridwen, Circe, Nehellania and Kali. She rules the magick of bindings.
What do you think? Moving huh? They move me. I wanted to share these works with you to show you a little about how the Goddess is. Fun, kind, and full of love. Not mean, and crabby. Well, during that time of the month, she can be! And yes I am serious. I’ve gotten my share of slaps in face from her!
I close with this thought, the Goddess is in us all. It is our choice wether or not to accept her. I urge you to find yourself. And hope you do along these next few lessons. The God will be our next Lesson. I hope to see you there.
Blessed be, Elder RavenFire
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Lesson Three: Witchcraft Beliefs
Witchcraft Beliefs
Just what do Witches believe? Well there are so many different paths of Witchcraft, and not to mention that each person makes their own unique path as they grow in the Craft. Each path as their own set of rules, or guidelines. As a whole religion we have our basic beliefs. And I will try to be as basic as I can. I will list some of what I think are basic, but some won’t, and that’s ok. What I’m doing is teaching the Craft for what is as a basic whole. I’m a teacher for the religion, and Magick side of the Craft. As for Witches who don’t follow a Deity, just bare with me, because I am a religious Witch. Heavy religious. I rely on my Deities to help guide through a ritual, or Magick working. I don’t need them, but I like them there, as protectors, and as friends. I’ll talk more on Deity relationships later on.
Ok, one basic, and core belief, is harm none. "An' ye harm none, do what ye will." Yes it is a "Wiccan" term, but guess what?? Wicca is a path of Witchcraft. So it’s ok to believe it. And really, as you look at how Witches through the years before Wicca, they held a "law" similar to that. Maybe unwritten, but spoken thru word of mouth, from teacher to student. Because remember we didn’t always have the net, and books to learn from. Now for this rule, it has some loopholes. Well, some people would call it loopholes. I call it common sense!!
Yes, well, you can't harm yourself now can you? And you can't let others harm you, can you? And of you see a person harming another, will you just stand there and not do anything? If you said yes to any of these things: Yes I will harm myself, yes I will let others harm me, and yes when I see others getting harmed, I will take no action! Then you are in fact breaking the Harm none rule. It is not harming someone of they are beating you to death. It is not harming someone if they are beating a helpless person. We in fact are even here to protect the weak, and the helpless. that is why we are told about curses, and hexes. Because sometimes they are needed.
"To bless or curse with power friends or enemies (to do good or evil)".Do I think doing evil to evil is really evil? No. Not if what you are doing is protecting someone. Or yourself. Now if you do curse someone out of spite, or just because you don't like them, is evil. And to do so, you will get back what you send out three fold. Well, I also heard, seven, and ten fold to. Even when doing good, Karma works both ways. Whatever energy you send out, comes back to you, three fold, or seven, or ten. I have heard all three, and have yet to really find out which one it truly is. Maybe all three. But this is my take on hexes, and curses, and the Harm none rule.
Now, I hope that explains the harm none rule. Now I have already told you about the 13 princables of beliefs. But I will go over them again here for this lesson. I will go thru them one by one, to better explain each one.
This is the opening of the document
In the Spring Witch meet of 1974, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Council of American Witches created and adopted a statement entitled "Principles of Wiccan Belief" in an effort to inform and educate both the general public and Witches in general. The text of the "Principles of Belief" follows:
The Council of American Witches finds it necessary to define modern Witchcraft in terms of the American experience and needs.
We are not bound by traditions from other times and other cultures, and owe no allegiance to any person or power greater than the Divinity manifest through our own being.
As American Witches, we welcome and respect all-affirming teachings and traditions, and seek to learn from all and to share our learning within our Council.
It is in this spirit of welcome and cooperation that we adopt these few principles of Wiccan belief. In seeking to be inclusive, we do not wish to open ourselves to the destruction of our group by those on self-serving power trips, or to philosophies and practices contradictory to these principles. In seeking to exclude those whose ways are contradictory to ours, we do not want to deny participation with us to any who are sincerely interested in our knowledge and beliefs, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national or cultural origins, or sexual preference.
We therefore ask only that those who seek to identify with us accept these few basic principles:
1. We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal quarters and cross-quarters.
I think is one speaks for itself. We use Magick, and its ways to align ourselves with the world around us, and our symbol the moon.
2. We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment. We seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological balance offering fulfillment to life and consciousness with in an evolutionary concept.
We’re smarter then the rest of the world, and they need to bow down to us!!! No, really. We know that we can, with the use of Magick, and what we know of the ways of nature, we have the responsibility to take care of it. And we also know we must strive to live in peace with the world around us.
3. We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than is apparent to the average person. Because it is far greater than ordinary, it is sometimes called "supernatural", but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all.
We know, and see Magick as a well working tool, and know that it is out there for everybody to use. And that Magick is greater then any other tool there is.
4. We conceive of the Creative Power of the Universe as manifesting through polarity--as masculine and feminine--and that this same creative Power lives in all people, and functions through the interaction of the masculine and feminine. We value neither above the other, knowing each to be supportive of the other. We value sexuality as pleasure, as the symbol and embodiment of Life, and as one of the sources of energies used in magickal practice and religious worship.
We see the makers of the whole universe as both male, and female. We also see, and know that the great equality lies within all people, male, and female. We also see that man, nor woman is better then the other. We are equal. Sex is a symbol as well as a meaning of new life. And also can be seen as Magickal, and religious work.
5. We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological worlds--sometimes known as the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconscious, the Inner Planes, etc.--and we see in the interaction of these two dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magickal exercises. We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.
We notice both the seen, and the unseen world. And we interact with both worlds as a necessary, for our fulfillment. And we also give thought, and notice other unseen creations. The Spirit world for one is another unseen plane.
6. We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.
We don’t have a "leader" In fact that would never fly with Witches. We would never allow one person to tell us what to do. Now for the next part, I think that was thrown out shortly after it was written. I say this because some of the greatest teachers, don’t get the respect they deserve. Authors like Silver RavenWolf, and Lady Sheba, and Amber K, and even Cunningham. They don’t get the respect they deserve. A lot of the people who have dedicated their lives to teaching what they know, don’t get the respect they should get. But this one should get done. We should abide by this. Our teachers should get respect. If I treated my with the respect people show Silver, or Cunningham, I’d get beat with something hard. In my book, this should go up there with the harm none rule.
7. We see religion, magick, and wisdom-in-living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it--a world view and philosophy of life, which we identify as Witchcraft or the Wiccan Way.
Witchcraft, or Wicca, is a way of life. It is how one sees the world. And it is how one lives their life.
8. Calling oneself "Witch" does not make a Witch--but neither does heredity itself, or the collecting of titles, degrees, and initiations. A Witch seeks to control the forces within him/herself that make life possible in order to live wisely and well, without harm to others, and in harmony with Nature.
The name, the title, Witch, does not make you a Witch. It is something you do, live, and be. Now, I believe differently about heredity. Blood makes you who you are. I’m a heredity Witch. I have it traced down my family. Was I taut by a family member? No. But I believe my bloodline makes me a Witch? No. But when I took that leap, then I became a Witch. When I accepted my bloodline, then I became a Heredity Witch. Now for the rest of this guideline, to be a Witch, you must live like a Witch, learn like a Witch, and live in harmony, and be who you want to be.
9. We acknowledge that it is the affirmation and fulfillment of life, in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness, that gives meaning to the Universe we know, and to our personal role within it.
Ok, we know that we will continue to live, and to grow and be apart of the Universe, and we will know our own role in it.
10. Our only animosity toward Christianity, or toward any other religion or philosophy-of-life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be "the one true right and only way" and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practices and belief.
Our only beef with christians, or any other religion is if they have this we’re the only way, the right way, and if you don’t follow are way, your gonna burn in hell attitude, and don’t give a damn who they oppress in the prepossess.
11. As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions. We are concerned with our present and our future.
I like this one. As Americans, we don’t give a damn! We’re here, for the here and now. Don’t give us all the crap about why, just let us move onto other important things.
12. We do not accept the concept of "absolute evil", nor do we worship any entity known as "Satan" or "the Devil" as defined by Christian Tradition. We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor do we accept the concept that personal benefits can only be derived by denial to another.
Basically we laugh at satan, and the concept of one being controlling ALL the evil in the world. And we can’t seek power, or make packs with something we don’t think is real.
13. We work within Nature or that which is contributory to our health and well-being.
We work within nature, and use it to take care of ourselves, and others.
This is the end of lesson three. Lesson four will be more about Witches beliefs. I just don’t want to make this lesson any longer then it already is.
Blessed be, Elder RavenFire
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Lesson two: Witches, and Wiccan's
Witches, and Wiccan's:
Welcome to lesson two. I’m going to get right down to the lesson. It will be kind of long, because I want to get the Wiccan part out of the way. Now I know a lot of you just want to hear about Witchcraft. Well, we can’t just hear about Witchcraft, without talking about Wicca. The main difference between the two is Wicca is only around 50 years old, and the Craft is older then dirt. But Wicca has done a lot for the Craft. Did you know if it was for Wicca, Witchcraft would not be were it is today? I know, I hate to say it, bad it is true. Wicca helped to get the Craft seen as a religion. Wicca has helped people understand Witches. People see, or hear the word Witch, and think "oh, fly on brooms, kill babies, have parties with satan." But, when they hear the word Wiccan, they say "oh, peaceful, nature based religion." I don’t like it this way, I really hate it, but people now, think we are the same thing. So in a way, when Gardner made Wicca into a religion, he did wonders for Witchcraft. But still, even if we have to fight to separate from Wicca, it has help us become more accepted. And yes, Wicca is a branch of Witchcraft. Just like a Kitchen Witch, or Strega, and ETC. Now this is how the whole Wicca, and Witchcraft deal was explained to me. Wicca is a branch of Witchcraft, so all Wiccan's are Witches too, but not all Witches are Wiccan's.
The 13 princables of Witchcraft
In the Spring Witchmeet of 1974, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Council of American Witches created and adopted a statement entitled "Principles of Wiccan Belief" in an effort to inform and educate both the general public and Witches in general. The text of the "Principles of Belief" follows:
The Council of American Witches finds it necessary to define modern Witchcraft in terms of the American experience and needs.
We are not bound by traditions from other times and other cultures, and owe no allegiance to any person or power greater than the Divinity manifest through our own being.
As American Witches, we welcome and respect all-affirming teachings and traditions, and seek to learn from all and to share our learning within our Council.
It is in this spirit of welcome and cooperation that we adopt these few principles of Wiccan belief. In seeking to be inclusive, we do not wish to open ourselves to the destruction of our group by those on self-serving power trips, or to philosophies and practices contradictory to these principles. In seeking to exclude those whose ways are contradictory to ours, we do not want to deny participation with us to any who are sincerely interested in our knowledge and beliefs, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national or cultural origins, or sexual preference.
We therefore ask only that those who seek to identify with us accept these few basic principles:
1. We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal quarters and cross-quarters.
2. We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment. We seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological balance offering fulfillment to life and consciousness with in an evolutionary concept.
3. We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than is apparent to the average person. Because it is far greater than ordinary, it is sometimes called "supernatural", but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all.
4. We conceive of the Creative Power of the Universe as manifesting through polarity--as masculine and feminine--and that this same creative Power lives in all people, and functions through the interaction of the masculine and feminine. We value neither above the other, knowing each to be supportive of the other. We value sexuality as pleasure, as the symbol and embodiment of Life, and as one of the sources of energies used in magickal practice and religious worship.
5. We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological worlds--sometimes known as the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconscious, the Inner Planes, etc.--and we see in the interaction of these two dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magickal exercises. We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.
6. We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.
7. We see religion, magick, and wisdom-in-living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it--a world view and philosophy of life, which we identify as Witchcraft or the Wiccan Way.
8. Calling oneself "Witch" does not make a Witch--but neither does heredity itself, or the collecting of titles, degrees, and initiations. A Witch seeks to control the forces within him/herself that make life possible in order to live wisely and well, without harm to others, and in harmony with Nature.
9. We acknowledge that it is the affirmation and fulfillment of life, in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness, that gives meaning to the Universe we know, and to our personal role within it.
10. Our only animosity toward Christianity, or toward any other religion or philosophy-of-life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be "the one true right and only way" and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practices and belief.
11. As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions. We are concerned with our present and our future.
12. We do not accept the concept of "absolute evil", nor do we worship any entity known as "Satan" or "the Devil" as defined by Christian Tradition. We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor do we accept the concept that personal benefits can only be derived by denial to another.
13. We work within Nature or that which is contributory to our health and well-being.
The Witches Creed
The Witches’ Creed
By Doreen Valiente
Hear now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
When dark was our destiny’s pathway,
That now we bring forth into light.
Mysterious water and fire,
The earth and the wide-ranging air,
By hidden quintessence we know them,
And will and keep silent and dare.
The birth and rebirth of all nature,
The passing of winter and spring,
We share with the life universal,
Rejoice in the magical ring.
Four times in the year the Great Sabbat
Returns, and witches are seen
At Lammas, and Candlemas dancing,
On May Eve and old Hallowe’en.
When day-time and night-time are equal,
When the sun is at greatest and least,
The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned,
Again witches gather in feast.
Thirteen silver moons in a year are,
Thirteen is the coven's array.
Thirteen times as Esbat make merry,
For each golden year and a day.
The power was passed down the ages,
Each time between woman and man,
Each century unto the other,
Ere time and the ages began.
When drawn is the magical circle,
By sword or athame or power,
Its compass between the two worlds lie,
In Land of the Shades for that hour.
This world has no right then to know it,
And world beyond will tell naught,
The oldest of Gods are invoked there,
The Great Work of magic is wrought.
For two are the mystical pillars,
That stand to at the gate of the shrine,
And two are the powers of nature,
The forms and the forces divine.
The dark and the light in succession,
The opposites each unto each,
Shown forth as a God and a Goddess,
Of this did our ancestors teach.
By night he’s the wild wind’s rider,
The Horn’d One, the Lord of the shades,
By day he’s the King of the Woodlands,
The dweller in green forest glades.
She is youthful or old as she pleases,
She sails the torn clouds in her barque,
The bright silver lady of midnight,
The crone who weaves spells in the dark.
The master and mistress of magic,
They dwell in the deeps of the mind,
Immortal and ever-renewing,
With power to free or to bind.
So drink the good wine to the Old Gods,
And dance and make love in their praise,
Til Elphame's fair land shall receive us,
In peace at the end of our days.
An Do What You Will be the challenge,
So be it in Love that harms none,
For this is the only commandment,
By Magick of old, be it done.
Eight words the Witches’ Creed fulfill:
If it harms none, do what you will.
I have enclosed the 13 princables, and the Witches Creed, to clear up some things lesson one left foggy. So I hope this cleared some things up. And remember, if you have any questions feel free to ask me.
Blessed be, Elder RavenFire.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Lesson One: What is Witchcraft, and what it is not.
Well first to answer this question, I ask you, what you think Witchcraft is? It is always a good thing to get the other person’s thoughts on what Witchcraft IS, before you explain what it is. Why should you do this? Well because it gives you a good idea where the person’s WQ (WitchQ) I just coined a word!!! Doing this gives you and idea on where this person got his/her info on Witches. If they have a Hollywood WQ, or from religion. I admit when my teachers asked me this question I had the Hollywood Witch version. But the best way to describe what a Witch (I think) is tell them what you believe as a person first. Then tell them you’re a Witch. Never strait out tell people you’re a Witch. In my opinion it is better to let the person get to know you, and the way you believe first. Then break out the broom!!!! LOL! Some Witches like to say when they go public, they just came out of the "broom closet!!! LOL" I did when I went public.
A Witch is someone who practices Magick, with or without deities, to aid themselves, and/or others through life. And a Witch is someone who honors nature, and uses herbs to heal, protect themselves, and/or others. While still other Witches will not do Magick at all, and just honor their Deities. And there are other types or Witches too. But these I think are the most common. I’ll be corrected, if I’m wrong! LOL!
Ok, so know let’s talk about what a Witch is not. Now this is where I can get myself in deep, deep trouble. I might step on toes. I will try not to. I will apologies right now for any, and all things I get wrong J
Now I want to cover what we are not. This is where I hope I don’t step on toes. This is where I ask you again, what do you think a Witch is not? The same WQ applies here. Both questions can determine where the people are at. And if you ask yourself each question, you can decide your own WQ. Nice huh? What do you think you are? Your not a devil worshiper are you? More then likely if your reading this, your not. So we can say a Witch is not a devil, or satan. Let’s look into that a little more. A Witch, by looking at our thirteen princables we don’t believe in satan. As said in number 12: 12. We do not accept the concept of "absolute evil", nor do we worship any entity known as "Satan" or "the Devil" as defined by Christian Tradition. We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor do we accept the concept that personal benefits can only be derived by denial to another. It is a christian concept. And yes we can bring in Deities from other religions, but we don’t believe in "absolute evil." So satan, could not be in our accepted deity list.
A Witch is not someone who goes out and hurts other living creators. Take the harm none rule. "If it harms none, do what ye will" Now does this mean if someone is harming you, you can not fight back? No. In fact, if you don’t fight back, your breaking the harm none rule. You can’t let someone harm you or your family, and friends, can you? Oh, no. You can’t. I’ll cover this more later. But here is what the Wiccan law says:
Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An' ye harm none, do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee
So ever mind the law of three.
Follow this with mind and heart,
Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.
Now, it is the "Wiccan Law." Why should I include this with Witches? Well, because since Wicca has been around, Witches have adopted some of the Wiccan ways. Just like Wicca has adopted our stuff into their ways. And that is ok. Wicca, and Witchcraft are very similar. This is the end of lesson one. Lesson two will be on Wicca, and Witchcraft. Thank you for reading lesson one, and lesson two will be out soon.
Blessed be, Elder RavenFire.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.