Sunday, January 21, 2007

Lesson One: What is Witchcraft, and what it is not.



Well first to answer this question, I ask you, what you think Witchcraft is? It is always a good thing to get the other person’s thoughts on what Witchcraft IS, before you explain what it is. Why should you do this? Well because it gives you a good idea where the person’s WQ (WitchQ) I just coined a word!!! Doing this gives you and idea on where this person got his/her info on Witches. If they have a Hollywood WQ, or from religion. I admit when my teachers asked me this question I had the Hollywood Witch version. But the best way to describe what a Witch (I think) is tell them what you believe as a person first. Then tell them you’re a Witch. Never strait out tell people you’re a Witch. In my opinion it is better to let the person get to know you, and the way you believe first. Then break out the broom!!!! LOL! Some Witches like to say when they go public, they just came out of the "broom closet!!! LOL" I did when I went public.

A Witch is someone who practices Magick, with or without deities, to aid themselves, and/or others through life. And a Witch is someone who honors nature, and uses herbs to heal, protect themselves, and/or others. While still other Witches will not do Magick at all, and just honor their Deities. And there are other types or Witches too. But these I think are the most common. I’ll be corrected, if I’m wrong! LOL!

Ok, so know let’s talk about what a Witch is not. Now this is where I can get myself in deep, deep trouble. I might step on toes. I will try not to. I will apologies right now for any, and all things I get wrong J


Now I want to cover what we are not. This is where I hope I don’t step on toes. This is where I ask you again, what do you think a Witch is not? The same WQ applies here. Both questions can determine where the people are at. And if you ask yourself each question, you can decide your own WQ. Nice huh? What do you think you are? Your not a devil worshiper are you? More then likely if your reading this, your not. So we can say a Witch is not a devil, or satan. Let’s look into that a little more. A Witch, by looking at our thirteen princables we don’t believe in satan. As said in number 12: 12. We do not accept the concept of "absolute evil", nor do we worship any entity known as "Satan" or "the Devil" as defined by Christian Tradition. We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor do we accept the concept that personal benefits can only be derived by denial to another. It is a christian concept. And yes we can bring in Deities from other religions, but we don’t believe in "absolute evil." So satan, could not be in our accepted deity list.
A Witch is not someone who goes out and hurts other living creators. Take the harm none rule. "If it harms none, do what ye will" Now does this mean if someone is harming you, you can not fight back? No. In fact, if you don’t fight back, your breaking the harm none rule. You can’t let someone harm you or your family, and friends, can you? Oh, no. You can’t. I’ll cover this more later. But here is what the Wiccan law says:

Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An' ye harm none, do what ye will.

What ye send forth comes back to thee
So ever mind the law of three.
Follow this with mind and heart,
Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.

Now, it is the "Wiccan Law." Why should I include this with Witches? Well, because since Wicca has been around, Witches have adopted some of the Wiccan ways. Just like Wicca has adopted our stuff into their ways. And that is ok. Wicca, and Witchcraft are very similar. This is the end of lesson one. Lesson two will be on Wicca, and Witchcraft. Thank you for reading lesson one, and lesson two will be out soon.

Blessed be, Elder RavenFire.


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