Saturday, February 3, 2007

Lesson eleven: One thought for a mind

Lesson eleven
One thought for a mind

Here we go. Ya know the last two lessons we talked about the Witch’s tools? Well I gotta tell you something. Ya don’t need to have all of them to be a Witch. You don’t even need them to do any rituals. That’s right. You don’t need an Athame, a Staff, an Alter, or even a Pentagram. All those tools are really to get your mind, and body ready to do the work. They get you in the right mind set. One tool I forgot to mention is a ritual robe. That is used in rituals again to get your mind ready to perform the Magick. Yes, do get the tools. But remember, it is you that empowers them, they don’t empower you.

You see, as a Witch, you already have the power. And Athame does not have any power, except what you give it. The candle, has no power, unless you give it that power. Even symbols don’t carry there own power. You empower them. You must believe in the Magick for it to work. Magick can not work, if your mind does not believe it. Magick is not something floating around, it is in us. Magick is our gift from the Goddess, and the God. Magick is in our heart, and soul.

With Magick, we can do so much. We can heal with the slightest touch. We can discover the mystery of the universe. Magick is a wonderful gift. It is not a tool, it is not a thing, it is a gift from the Lady, and the Lord. And we should honor it, like we honor them. Blessed be, Elder RavenFire.

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