Lesson Nine
Magickal Lingo!
Alright, now we get to one of my favorite parts of being a Witch. All 5,000 or so terms! And I’m not kidding. When I think of all the terms we use, it blows my mind. In this lesson I will go over some of the ones that are the most used terms, and some of the least used terms. As you grow in the Craft you will learn a lot more, and even come up with some of your own.
One thing that is we Witches use is an Athame. This is used in many different ways. We use this to cut bread, or cakes used for rituals. Opening, and closeting Circles. (I’ll talk about Circles later.) We use them to make a Circle. An Athame can be as simple as a kitchen knife. Or it can be as outlandish as you want. For example, I have an Egyptian dagger, and an Athame. It as a little crystal on the handle, and hieroglyphics on the handle and the holder. And it only was about $20.00. And some can be in $100’s of dollars. You don’t need to spend a whole lot on a cash on an Athame, The Lord, and Lady don’t care if you use a simple butter knife or not. Use any knife you want. A pocket knife, or one hell of a knock out one.
And now let’s talk about one of our most used, and most understood symbols. The Pentagram, and Pentacle. These two symbols have been seen as satanic, and evil for hundreds of years. Ever since the Christians were on their crusades. They made a lot of Pagan symbols, and Gods, and Goddess evil. But the Pentagram, and Pentacle, were two that they really took to. These two symbols are the most power protection symbols against evil. Funny huh? A symbol stolen to be evil, the really protects against evil! The Pentacle is just slitly different then the Pentagram. The Pentacle is sometimes drawn without the circle around it, as the Pentagram, as the circle around it. These are two symbols that look like stars, with five points. Hence, called “Peant”agram, and “Pent”acle. The points stands for each element of Earth, plus Spirit. The Elements are: Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water.
And now we talk about the broom. The way we get around! No. This is a tool that Witches really do use. We don’t fly on them though, I was sad when I was told that. I’m still sad. Now this has many uses. Because this is not just a tool for the female Witches. (We males have a Staff.) But the Broom can be used to get ride of unwanted house guests, no you can’t beat them! You take the broom, turn it upside-down, that is, with the bristles pointing up. In a corner, and that guest will leave shortly. Pretty cool huh? Now for other uses, the Females use the broom to sweep away the negative energy. Be it, around the Circle, in a home, or what have you. And I’m still trying to figure out how to fly on one! LOL! Now don’t tell me, that it wouldn’t be cool to fly on a broom? Or mop? Or vacuum? Now the broom can be homemade using a tree branch, and some straw. (Which would be better.) Or you can buy one. I would really make one. So it is really yours. And something like this, should be from nature. Just like when the male Witches pick their Staff, we get them from Nature.
Now since we talked about the broom, let’s talk about the Staff! I love this one. My first Staff was just a good size walking stick. Nothing fancy, just one that I liked. Now the Staff is used a lot like the Broom is. We can use the Staff to banish negative energy from places. And it is cool to walk with one! Ok, It is cool to be a Witch. To where the robes, and do the things. I love it. You have to love your religion. And I do. I love it. I get into it all. Again it is better to find your staff in the woods, in the park, just make sure it is right for you.
And now I will direct your attention to our next little item. And that would the Chalice. Or, as we none fancy people call it, a cup! This little tool is used to drink ritual wine,(Juice) for those who don’t drink, or are to young. Now these can be a fancy $200.00 glass made of gold, and silver, or an old beat up coffee cup, you’ve had for a million years, and is cracked, just like you are! Or me.
And now we have another fancy word, Censer. Yes, we have to Censer this fancy word! No, the next tool is really called a Censer! It’s really another name for a incense burner used in a ritual. Really, just take a bowl, fill it with sand, or nice loose dirt, and use that for one, and your good to go. You don’t have to have fancy shemacy things to be a Witch! And really, making it your self, is better anyway!
Now the next tool! And this is the Bolline. This just another fancy name for a small curved knife used for cutting herbs, and for curving things. Cool huh? Ok, I’m sitting here at my computer, at 10:30, and I’m tired. And a little loopy.
Ok, now the next diminutive tool, is the Cauldron. This is used to boil noodles so we don’t get hungry on those long nights! I wish! It is mainly used to blend herbs, and it can maintain small fires, and wash clothes! Humor, it may be dry, but I have it! It also is used to mix healing mixers, and that sort.
And our next fresh, and petite entry is the Bell. It used to banish evil from the household. (Wonder if it can get rid of my mother in law?) Anyway. The Bell, also ward off evil spells, and brings, in good energy.
In addition to all these tools, we have one more. It is called, our Book of Shadows! Yes! In this handy dandy little book, we record our Magickal life. What we learn, and what we experience. Even spells, and rituals, and all that. Now a Book of Shadows, (BOS) can be any sort of book. A simple notebook, to a grand book made of gold. But a simple notebook will do.
These are some of the tools we have. As you grow in the Craft you will learn more, and I will bring more up, as we go along. Oh, and one that I left out on this list is an Alter, and I left it out for a reason. Lesson ten, will be all about our Alters. So, I hope to see you then. Blessings, Elder RavenFire.
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